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People Over Money

Let's face it, money is poisoning our politics. The voices of everyday people are being drowned out by the megaphones of wealthy donors. This campaign is different. We believe in a San Francisco where everyone's voice is heard, not just those with deep pockets.


That's why, instead of asking for your money, we're asking for your time and energy. Imagine the impact if everyone committed to asking just 10 friends to vote, or designed a creative lawn sign, or hosted a house party to spread the word. That's how real change happens – through grassroots action, not big-dollar donations.


Of course, we understand that not everyone has the time to volunteer. If your only way to support is through a donation, we appreciate your contribution. We encourage small donations of $10, $15, or $20 to qualify for public financing while minimizing accounting burdens.


Any leftover campaign funds will be donated to Miracle Messages, a 501(c)(3) charity, to support their Miracle Money program, which provides basic Income cash transfers & social support for people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco.


But remember, the most powerful tool in this campaign isn't money – it's you. Let's build a San Francisco that works for everyone, together.

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