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About Dylan

Family history in San Francisco going back five generations. Neuroscientist. Engineer. Dylan has always cared deeply about others and has made it his life's mission to give back to the community.

A forward thinker, committed to helping San Franciscans


Dylan is a scientist, engineer, and philanthropist who has dedicated his life to the relentless pursuit of knowledge and improving the world around him. Drawn to San Francisco because of his family history in the city dating back to 1870, and its innovative, open-minded, compassionate culture, Dylan feels a profound sense of duty to serve the community and those that are most vulnerable. He brings a unique blend of scientific reasoning, technological expertise, leadership, and commitment to social change to address the challenges facing San Francisco.

Dylan was born and raised in Los Angeles in the 1980s. His mom worked part time in his early childhood so she could take care of him and his older sister, Livia, while his dad was out of town for a couple of weeks at a time working as a traveling salesman for various companies. 


From an early age, Dylan was taught to be self-sufficient and to understand the value of hard work, taking on several jobs throughout high school and college to help cover his living expenses. His family also encouraged his intellectual curiosity and supported his academic pursuits, instilling in him the belief that anything is possible with practice and determination. After attending public high school, Dylan enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he double-majored in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and Brain & Cognitive Sciences while also pursuing research in the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab. Driven to further understand and explore complex systems, Dylan went on to earn his PhD in Neuroscience from UCLA. 


After graduate school, Dylan joined Tesla. From an early age, Dylan was an environmentalist firmly committed to sustainability, having been influenced by a subscription to Ranger Rick magazine that his mother bought for him. On top of that, growing up in the smog of LA had instilled in him a hatred of air pollution. But watching Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth convinced him that global warming was the biggest challenge facing humanity at that time and he resolved to do something about it while there was still time. 

Joining Tesla to make electric cars a reality was the perfect way to address his passions for sustainability, eliminating air pollution, and abating global warming all at the same time. During his more than 12 years with the company, he contributed significantly to the development of cutting-edge electric vehicle technologies that revolutionized the automotive industry and personally worked on efficiency improvements that will prevent hundreds of thousands of metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions on a global scale.


Now that Tesla is a global automaker valued in the hundreds of billions of dollars, it's clear that EVs are here to stay, and Dylan has set his eyes on his next great challenge: fixing San Francisco's broken city government. The problems seem insurmountable, but the alternative of standing by and watching as we sleepwalk into the breakdown of our social fabric is unacceptable. It's time to set aside ideology, focus on the outcomes we want, and get it done.

“I believe we can solve the severe problems facing San Francisco by employing innovative problem-solving strategies and through bold creativity and fierce determination.”

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